Honoring Relationships personally and professionally is so important. Often we get so busy thinking about our next task instead of the next person we will be engaging with. Regardless of whether we are working from home or in the office, we are constantly interacting with people. During the Pandemic, so many people (friends and clients) were telling me how much they missed being around people. There is a lot of research and data supporting that “connecting with people” has become a high priority in organizations. People want to feel cared for, valued, seen, and heard. Recent studies show 52% of Americans are considering making a career change, and 44% who have started new jobs are already considering making another switch!
Relationship Questions to Consider Professionally: Create Meaningful Dialogue!
- Who in your organization has a positive attitude and impact on others? How can you acknowledge them?
- Who will you meet with this week for a 1 to 1? (a conversation that is about them, asking them about their dreams, goals, needs, frustrations, and wants personally and professionally. Helping them remove blocks and barriers, and taking time to get to know your direct reports and co-workers.)
- Who has slipped through the cracks lately? Who have you not interacted with lately, or spent meaningful time. What relationships should you be strengthening? (Have you considered your high performers lately? They can get lost in the shuffle. Have you taken them for granted because they get things done without a lot of support/guidance from leadership? They still want to interact with leadership and know that their hard work is noticed and valued!)
- How do you feel inside when you focus on all the things you appreciate about your co-workers, direct reports, etc.? Share those feelings/thoughts with others!
- Pause and reflect on a couple of things you wish you had more time for professionally – what comes to mind? How can you make that happen this week? (Even if just for 15-20 minutes) Keep your tank full as well with tasks, interactions that recharge you!
Relationship Leadership Challenge:
Think about what you want to get from others and find ways to give it first!
Consider the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. What can you give today to others, from your heart? Leadership is about coming with the heart first then connecting with the mind. Lead with your heart; connect with empathy and lead with compassion to build strong relationships. Think about making that your mantra. Notice how your way of being shifts and how others shift around you!