Category: <span>Leadership</span>

Tips for Transitioning after the Pandemic

Hope you all are well and getting outside to enjoy some of this Spring weather.  As my blog readers know, getting outside in nature to relax and renew is an important part of self-care. Don’t miss the Spring! And as we transition from Winter to Spring, it’s a good time …

Empathy in the Caring Professions

by Marguerite Ham Balancing Empathy and Burnout I recently read an interesting article in Quartz about the possibility that empathy could cause exhaustion and burnout. This can happen to anyone, but particularly to people in professions which involve caring for people in distress: the ill, the bereaved, the mentally ill, …

The 4 Attitudes for Outstanding Leadership

I recently became a Certified Mindfulness Facilitator with Wendy Quan, The Calm Monkey.  As I walked through the months of training, practicing and learning, one of the foundational pieces we learned was “The 4 Attitudes of Mindfulness for Successful Meditation”.  Each time we did a practice session, Wendy shared these …