Category: <span>Coaching</span>

6 Habits of Extraordinary Coaches

Becoming an extraordinary coach is such a blessing. Coaches create the opportunity to develop ourselves and others at the same time!  Coaching is a helping relationship in which the coach and client become partners in assisting the client to reach their personal and professional potential. Spiritually, coaching is a way …

How Accountability and Resilience are Connected

I recently had a conversation with a client which generated a leadership AHA! about how accountability and resilience are connected.  In this situation, a millennial was involved.  He had been working for a year with this organization, and his manager had had 18 conversations about performance issues with this person.  …

Mastering Difficult Conversations

One of the things I hear quite often from Leaders and Managers at all levels:   “I have to have a Crucial Conversation with someone, and I don’t know how…” This is understandable. Crucial conversations can be difficult. But they are key to helping your team improve performance. As a leader, one …

Reasons People Don’t Take Action & How to Get them Moving

With the start of 2017, many of us think about the goals we want to accomplish this year and beyond.  If we manage or lead others, we are also helping others set and reach their goals.  As a coach, I am often asked/told, “How do I get ‘Name’ to take …

Catch Coaching Opportunities

To effect true transformational change, heart-led leaders draw on the qualities of humility, vulnerability, transparency, empathy and love. Tommy Spaulding Coaching is a key skill for successful leaders.  Coaching is a fantastic way to continuously develop your staff and help them feel that you truly care for them individually and …

Acting It Out Instead of Talking It Out

Crucial conversations in the workplace are critical to success and a healthy culture.  When truths need to be shared but they are not, negative energy builds and we start talking about others instead of to the personwhere the communication breakdown occurred.   When we choose not to talk to the person where the misunderstanding has occurred we have …