Tag: <span>resilience</span>

How Accountability and Resilience are Connected

I recently had a conversation with a client which generated a leadership AHA! about how accountability and resilience are connected.  In this situation, a millennial was involved.  He had been working for a year with this organization, and his manager had had 18 conversations about performance issues with this person.  Several of these challenges created liability issues for the organization, customer service failures, and employee morale issues for the people they work with and serve.   The situation became more complicated because this person was friends with the owner of the company.  Lots of challenges here! Millennials What Do Millennials Want? Millennials.  There have been lots of conversations, complaints, discussions and challenges stated about Millennials in the workplace.  Simon Sinek states in his famous You Tube, “BEST SPEECH EVER – Simon Sinek on Millennials in the Workplace”, with more than 2.5 million views: “Millennials, born approximately 1984 and after, are tough to manage and accused of being entitled, and narcissistic, self-interested, unfocused, lazy.  But entitled is a big one.  Because they have confounded leaders so much, they have asked of Millennials, ‘what do you want?’  Millennials are saying, ‘We want to work in a place with a purpose. We want to …