Tag: <span>stuck</span>

Reasons People Don’t Take Action & How to Get them Moving

With the start of 2017, many of us think about the goals we want to accomplish this year and beyond.  If we manage or lead others, we are also helping others set and reach their goals.  As a coach, I am often asked/told, “How do I get ‘Name’ to take action?” or, “No matter what I do or say, this person does not take action!”  I have found through 15+ years of coaching that there are three main reasons human beings don’t take action.  Missing Skill Out of my Control Psychological Block If you have someone who is not executing or taking action, here are some coaching questions you can ask to identify the block: Questions to ask about each situation:                     What missing skill, training, tools or knowledge do you need? What is out of your control?  What is in your control? What is holding you back from taking this action? Missing skill:  Training or knowledge is an easy fix.  Get them the training, tools and/or information they need to be successful. Out of their Control:  An example of this is:  There are three people working on a project, Person A has completed their part, it is now sitting on …