Tag: <span>pandemic</span>

Tips for Transitioning after the Pandemic

Hope you all are well and getting outside to enjoy some of this Spring weather.  As my blog readers know, getting outside in nature to relax and renew is an important part of self-care. Don’t miss the Spring! And as we transition from Winter to Spring, it’s a good time to consider the transition to the world after the Pandemic. Recently, SIYLI (Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute) conducted a global survey that included 59 countries. In that survey, 85% of respondents reported that Emotional Intelligence skills were critical for the present and in the near future for all of us, personally and professionally!  We need now, more than ever, to deepen our human, heart-centered skills to make some big transitions.  Check out this article from SIYLI! Here are the article highlights and some excellent tips: Many of us are probably feeling a mixture of both excitement and anxiety about returning to (a new version of) “normal” life.  The future we are shaping will require authenticity and vulnerability—pillars that we collectively strengthened over this last year.  Human-centered skills like mindfulness and emotional intelligence can support our re-entry process. These skills support us to reflect on what we learned. Then, we can integrate those lessons …

5 Steps to Becoming More Productive Working from Home

Since the start of the Pandemic, we have found our selves working from home more often.  From conversations with many of my clients, I have found that they are struggling with focus while working from home, getting things done efficiently & timely, and integrating home and work life successfully.  Here are 5 Steps to help you save time and work more efficiently from home. 1. Create a routine Since many of us are no longer commuting to work every day and working from home, use that “commute time” to transition into work mode.  Create a routine.  I recently had a Zoom call with my brother, Bob, and I noticed he was in a dress shirt and jacket.  He is currently working from home 100%.  I asked him about his formal clothing and why was that necessary if he was working from home?  He said, “I never changed my morning routine, I get up every day, Monday – Friday and follow my same routine as if I was going into the office, including getting into my work clothes.  The routine and clothing are part of my mindset, that says, ‘it’s time to work’.”  What is your morning routine that says, “it’s …

Pandemic Leadership: Find Your Focus

With the coronavirus pandemic affecting our world, nation, communities, workplaces, and families, as Angela Duckworth says, “If you’re not stressed right now, you’re not alive!”  That does not mean that we must become victims of the stress, anxiety and fear that are currently front and center in many of our lives. As leaders, we must be in tune with how we, ourselves, are feeling, how our staff members are feeling, and how to get the support we and others may need.  Find your own focus to get through stressful times. What is the Difference Between Stress, Anxiety and Fear?  They may feel the same at times; however, they are quite different. Definition of Stress:  There are several definitions, however, for this blog, the most relevant definition is: “A state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances.” With the shock and uncertainty that have rocked our world, it is no wonder most of us are experiencing some form of stress.  As companies are moving forward with “getting back to work,” most are dealing with how to keep their staff members Physically and Psychologically Safe, which leads to stress for the leaders of the company …