Tag: <span>anxiety</span>

Pandemic Leadership: Find Your Focus

With the coronavirus pandemic affecting our world, nation, communities, workplaces, and families, as Angela Duckworth says, “If you’re not stressed right now, you’re not alive!”  That does not mean that we must become victims of the stress, anxiety and fear that are currently front and center in many of our lives. As leaders, we must be in tune with how we, ourselves, are feeling, how our staff members are feeling, and how to get the support we and others may need.  Find your own focus to get through stressful times. What is the Difference Between Stress, Anxiety and Fear?  They may feel the same at times; however, they are quite different. Definition of Stress:  There are several definitions, however, for this blog, the most relevant definition is: “A state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances.” With the shock and uncertainty that have rocked our world, it is no wonder most of us are experiencing some form of stress.  As companies are moving forward with “getting back to work,” most are dealing with how to keep their staff members Physically and Psychologically Safe, which leads to stress for the leaders of the company …

Anxiety is Manageable – Reduce it Quickly

Anxiety can creep up the thermometer quickly and throw us into an emotional spiral of fear or uncertainty. Anxiety can paralyze our ability to think and make decisions, especially during trying times like these. A hamster wheel of rumination can start spinning inside of our heads. It distracts us from being able to lead effectively, make important decisions, and be the example our staff members need.  There are several techniques that you can quickly use to reduce the anxiety and get you back on track! Here are some ideas for you to try. Give them a chance and see what works for you. Here is another resource that just came in from The Chopra Center: “6 Ways to Reduce Anxiety and Make a Paradigm Shift.”    Acknowledge What You Are Feeling Increasing awareness, acknowledging what you are feeling and talking about it out loud with a trusted friend, colleague, or coach can release pressure immediately. Those of you who have had coaching most likely have experienced relief simply from verbalizing what is bothering you. Something magical occurs for us as humans, when we verbalize, out loud, what is bothering us. It truly helps for our own mind to hear, in …

Frogs and Tomatoes Beat Procrastination

How many of you spent time creating goals for 2016?  How many of your goals fell by the wayside  because of PROCRASTINATION and anxiety about not having enough time? Wouldn’t it be great to have a strategy to deal with procrastination and make some real progress, particularly on those goals you don’t really enjoy? Find Your Frogs and Eat Them! In his best-selling book “Eat That Frog!”, Brian Tracy talks about “Eating the Frog First”.  The “Frog” represents the task or goal you least want to tackle or get started on.  Here is strategy about how to tackle “the frogs” in your life.  He suggests that you Eat the Frog First to start your day. That way, it is off your plate, and you don’t have a “frog” sitting on your shoulder.  Combining this technique with the time-management technique below could be a winning combination for Getting Things Done, accomplishing your new goals in 2017, and actually overcoming procrastination. Fight Procrastination with Tomatoes The Pomodoro Technique was developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s to help people break down tasks into manageable work units and stay on task to complete them. The core of the technique is the belief that …