7 Ways to Shift your Mindset as a Leader
Shifting our mindset from “how does this impact me” to “what is the greater good for the greatest number of people” is not an easy shift! It takes time for most to let go of old and outworn beliefs and thoughts and replace them with new life-affirming mindsets. But this kind of change can have a great impact on the organization as a whole. For leaders of the future, the following seven shifts may be good places to start in the workplace.
Shifting our Attention: From and To
1. Sickness to Well-being
Concentrate and invest in physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. How many people are well and have true life balance? Celebrate wellness, and set targets around well-being. Focusing attention and energy upon absence and sickness means it is created and prolonged. Focus on what we want to create consciously, a culture of Well-Being, personally and professionally.
2. Scarcity to Abundance
Instead of cutting costs, settling for second best, or laying off employees, develop possibilities of generating ways to grow and increase wealth. Be generous and don’t allow FEAR or guilt about finances be the decision-maker. Think through changes strategically and their impact on your people.
3. Limited to Limitless
There are no right or wrong decisions or beliefs. There are just differences. Moving from limited beliefs and thinking can at first prove overwhelming when you realize there are infinite possibilities or paths to traverse. We are only limited in our achievements by our limited thinking and beliefs. Challenge yourself to think outside the box and differently. Go “Blank” to truly allow new ideas and possibilities to show up.
4. Powerlessness to Empowerment
Empower yourself by believing in your ability to create and change your current reality. Accept your current reality without resisting or wishing away what is right now. Have faith and patience that with the right mindset you can make the change for something better, not just for yourself but for the entire organization.
5. Competition to All In
Let go of the need to compare and compete with others, whether personally or in business. Concentrate instead on doing the very best you can. It is the only way to make your authentic contribution. Understand there is a niche for everyone and a contribution for everyone to make.
6. Profit to Contribution
Shift from how much profit to how much of a contribution you make on a daily basis which will directly impact the bottom line. When you concentrate on contribution and make it a brilliant one, the energy will bring a positive and fulfilling result. This is about people clearly knowing what makes them feel fulfilled in their job – their purpose, their “Why” for being there, not just to take home a paycheck.
7. Management to Relationship
Systems and processes can be managed and are important in organizations (SMART side of the business: Strategy, Finance, Marketing, Technology) but with people you must build relationships. This is where the Healthy side of the organization is created. Relationships built on trust, open communication and accountability. Where the “Elephant in the Room” is openly discussed, sometimes through healthy debate, and worked through in a safe environment.
Organizational change can be frightening to staff members. It is important that an organization builds trust with staff and is clear and consistent with their message around the change. It is also important for the entire leadership team to be ALL IN once the announcement of change has been released. All leaders in the organization must communicate the same message with confidence, consistency in message, buy in and clarity.