Year: <span>2020</span>

Mindful Leadership

by Marguerite Ham I recently reread a powerful book by Janice Marturano, “Finding the Space to Lead,” about mindful leadership.  Because of all the turmoil in our country and world, it seems that everywhere I look, experts are talking about the importance of Mindfulness, Emotional Intelligence, and Empathy.  This includes …

5 Steps to Becoming More Productive Working from Home

Since the start of the Pandemic, we have found our selves working from home more often.  From conversations with many of my clients, I have found that they are struggling with focus while working from home, getting things done efficiently & timely, and integrating home and work life successfully.  Here …

Conversational or Directional Leader?

Are you a Conversational Leader or a Directional Leader?  I was watching a You Tube with two of my favorite authors and leaders, John Maxwell and Simon Sinek.  Two brilliant minds having a conversation around leadership.  Here is the link (1 Hour), worth the time. John Maxwell posed the question, …

Pandemic Leadership: Find Your Focus

With the coronavirus pandemic affecting our world, nation, communities, workplaces, and families, as Angela Duckworth says, “If you’re not stressed right now, you’re not alive!”  That does not mean that we must become victims of the stress, anxiety and fear that are currently front and center in many of our …

Anxiety is Manageable – Reduce it Quickly

Anxiety can creep up the thermometer quickly and throw us into an emotional spiral of fear or uncertainty. Anxiety can paralyze our ability to think and make decisions, especially during trying times like these. A hamster wheel of rumination can start spinning inside of our heads. It distracts us from …

Adaptive Leadership Requires Flexibility!

Adaptive Leadership Adaptive Leadership is key right now with our uncertain environment worldwide. Your way of being as a leader must be intentional. Your people are watching everything you say and do and the energy you are emanating. Now is the time to become an Adaptive Leader. I refer to …